Wednesday 11 August 2021

Weight loss (beginning of my journey)

As of 4 years ago, I looked great, I felt great, and I had a ton of energy even with a 5-year-old running about, it was practically a workout chasing him around the house every few minutes. Over the past few years, everything's changed, my anxiety has been through the roof, my depression has skyrocketed, and I've been in a full-on binge eating funk. Luckily I'm on the right track now, I'm taking regular medication and I feel a lot better than I did. I shall post more on that in a different post. 

However, during these difficult few years, I became extremely addicted to food that I'd binge eat every single day without even worrying about the consequences. I still do this to this day, whenever I'm angry, sad, anxious,, or depressed, I open that fridge/cupboard and reach for whatever I can find, I'd have that sweet few moments of satisfaction and then I'd despise myself afterward. Sound familiar?????

As of yesterday, My weight is the highest it's ever been, and my body is sure quick to show me how unhealthy I am, without the graphic detail my stomach is constantly in knots, the toilet has become my best friend, and I'm drained of energy. 

This is me currently (I've been debating to post these however, I thought why the hell not, if I'm going to talk about weight loss I may aswel show you how bad I look right now.)

So I weigh 13 stone 10, if you're reading this from America or anywhere else in the world, I'm not sure about the sizes, do a quick google search and I'm sure you can find it. So not only am I that size, but I'm also 5"1, so as you can imagine this is very dangerous for my BMI, I've had doctors warn me of the dangers several times, but sometimes it seems impossible to quit, food is my nemesis. 

I suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) I probably experience a period twice a year. 

GERD (acid reflux) I have to take omeprazole daily for this

I experience several heart palpitations (which I'm not sure if that's related, but it still scares me) 

and I'm often out of breath 

Suffering all this and having severe Health Anxiety is horrendous. 

Below Is a quick rundown of my typical daily food intake before dieting (please no judgments)



2 cups of coffee, 1 sugar, semi-skimmed milk,

4 slices of toast with butter, ham, and cheese 

plus several biscuits with yet another 2 coffees. 


3 packets of crisps

A chocolate bar 

Dinner (here are a few dinners I consume several days a week) 

Macaroni cheese

Toad in the hole with mash and veg 



burgers and chips 

spaghetti carbonara


several slices of ham and cheese from the fridge 

more crisps 


So not healthy in the slightest, and I'm talking about big portions of each item, I'm disgusted even writing all that to be honest, it's no wonder I'm the size I am. 

So doctors have advised me of the dangers of not losing weight and these are terrifying 

Heart disease 

risks of a stroke 

major obesity 

Lung problems 


the list goes on. 

As of yesterday, I've decided to finally ditch the pounds and, I'm not going to lie, it's bloody hard work, and I'm only on day 2, especially when your partner offers you some chocolate without thinking, but I didn't give in and, I refused, a real pat on the back moment I feel lol

We did our weekly food shop on Sunday, and I made sure I brought the right foods. Below is my shopping list and our receipt, now most of this stuff is not for me I assure you, but I'm sure you can get some sort of idea of what's mine and what's not.

I also emptied all the snacks out of my cupboards (my son had a field day with these I must say.) and I began to batch cook a week's worth of meals 

Breakfast I haven't prepared, because I usually have some porridge and blueberries 

However, for lunches, I've made chicken stir fry with sweet potato wedges, which I'll top with some leafy greens. 

For dinners, I've created meatball pasta (whole grain) with broccoli, chopped tomatoes, and spinach 

That's just the beginning of the week the rest I'm hoping to make tomorrow. For anybody who doesn't batch cook oh my gosh do it, it saves a bunch of time and takes away the stress of wondering what on earth to cook. This is usually my downfall when I'm dieting, I become lazy and grab the first quick thing I see. 

My snacks are blueberries, cheese strings, raisen shots, and bananas. 

So now that's the food sorted, it's time to exercise and I find Leslie Sansone amazing, I often do her 3 mile walk with 1 pound weights and, oh gosh it's tough, and I sweat like a bitch, but, it's worth it. I usually do a walk every other night or every night depending on how I feel. If you would like to try this I highly recommend you too, its amazing then click the link right HERE.

Following the walk, I try out her floor exercises as well, which again is challenging but, I power through, and by the end of all that, I look like a bright red human tomato, my hair is frizzy from sweat, and I desperately need several showers lol. 

So this is my weekly plan...

Eat well, exercise as much as I can, and avoid the urge to binge. Now can I do it that is the question? time will tell, but I'm desperate to change, I want to feel and look healthy like I once did. 

This is my first weekly blog post documenting my progress so today...


Porridge with blueberries and a cup of coffee (there's no way I can ditch this) 


Chicken stirfry with added greens


2 cheese strings, 1 banana 


Meatball pasta with chopped tomatoes, broccoli, and a sprinkle of cheese

plus lots of water and a nighttime cup of tea. 

Before I sat down to write this I achieved Leslie Sansone's 3-mile walk with weights.

So all in all this was a pretty good day, I hope I can make this last.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading, and please stick around, I'd love some support from you all. I'm going to try my best not to fail, and will post weekly photos documenting my progress. If you're going through a weight loss journey as well, comment below and we can support each other. 

Please don't forget to subscribe for all my weekly updates or daily depending on how I feel. If you cannot find the box to do this, refresh the page and it will pop up again. 

Talk soon, everybody ♥♥


  1. I wish you well with your journey (I'm starting a similar one too) and I hope you love yourself through every step. Thanks for sharing! Molly @

    1. Thank you ♥ I hope you achieve all your goals too thanks for reading x

  2. Good luck with your journey! Thanks for sharing x
